I have more game ideas for your classroom celebration! I will post more details about what is needed, prep work, and how to "extend" the game in the coming days.
Pass the Pumpkin: first team to get pumpkin back to the leader/start person wins. Teams line up behind each leader/starter, demonstrate how you want the pumpkin passed, i.e. over the head, thru the legs, back to back, elbow, etc. RULE: ALL PLAYERS MUST STAY IN LINE. Pumpkin passing starts on "go" and whichever team gets it back to leader first wins.
Follow the Ghost: Race to one end of the room, pick a paper ghost follow the directions written on ghost (jump back to line, crawl back to line, hop back to line, etc.) and return to line tagging next person.
Eyeball Dig Relay: Be the first team to successfully find all their "prizes". Need prepared black gelatin (orange & grape combined), 3 spooky prizes per kiddo (rubber snakes, spider rings, eyeballs, etc), and clean up station. Kids kneel down with closed eyes (or blindfold) before digging for 3 prizes. Ring a bell for next kiddo to dig.
Witch Drawing Relay: Be the first team to draw all the parts of a witch. Need 2 sheets of easel paper, index cards with witch parts written on them, 2 crayons, and masking tape. Teams start with an outline of a witch on paper. Each kiddo will pull an index card (eyes, nose, warts, hat, shoes, belt, etc.) in a relay fashion.
Suck It Up Relay: Be first team to fill container with ghosts without using hands. Could use ghost erasers or paper ghosts. Give each guest a straw and eraser (or paper ghost). They MUST walk to the other end of the room while sucking it on the end of the straw to deposit their ghost into a bucket without using their hands. Kiddo runs back to tag next in line. *** My son tried this with jelly beans and it was hilarious! He transferred jelly beans from one cup to another. Take pictures of this!
Candy Corn Relay: Be the first team to transfer all their candy from one container to another. Need 2 large spoons and 4 containers (2 full of candy). On "go" WALK to the opposite end of room, scoop candy out of container and WALK back to empty container to fill. Team that drops the fewest pieces wins.
Ghostly Platter Relay: Be the first team around chair and back while keeping balloon ghost on the plate. Each gust can decorate their plate. RULE - IF BALLOON FALLS OFF PLATE, KIDDO MUST STOP AND PICK UP TO CONTINUE. Variation: you must restart if balloon falls.
Magical Stick Relay: hold balloon with 2 "sticks" (paper towel tubes, chopsticks, rulers) walk around opposite end chair and back to pass to next kiddo in line without using hands. IF YOU DROP THE BALLOON YOU HAVE TO PICK UP WITH STICKS.
Mysterious Relay: Be the first team to complete all activities inside balloons. Kiddos take turns running to other end of room to pop balloon and do activity inside balloon before returning to line to tag next person.
Mummy Wrap Game: Be the first team to wrap a teammate mummy so no skin or clothing can be seen (except nose and mouth).
Flying Ghost Game: Be the person to collect the most points. Write random numbers on ghost cutouts (5 per guest). Toss the ghosts in the area. On "go" each guest picks up 5 ghosts and add them up to see who got the most points.
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