REVIEW: Remember, if you divide the work throughout the school year your rate of participation will yield "high profits" because you aren't asking the same folks over and over again. In addition, the classroom teacher probably asks these same families to volunteer their time and maybe even the PTA! So use the following letter or revise and make it your own with my blessings!
Thank you for signing up for party needs. You are very generous! Here is your friendly Halloween Class Party update:
Halloween Celebration - Tuesday, October 31 @ 1:15 - 2:15 p.m.
Parent Helpers: Parent A and Parent B
Treats and Supplies:
- Parent 1 and Parent 2 cookies/brownies (1 dozen each)
- Parent 1 and Parent 2 juice bags/boxes (1 dozen each)
- Parent 3 candy corn 2 bags
- Parent 4 wrapped candies
- Parent 5 googly eyes (50 ct)
- Parent 6 2 inch wide gauze (50 ft)
The kids will eat something sweet [cookies or brownies], something healthy ["finger food" - string cheese, cream cheese, and green bell pepper made to look like ghoulish fingers], and drink [juice bags/boxes] throughout the party. Please keep this with your calendar!
- Your Friendly Room Parent
You may have noticed some of the supplies and treats were not listed by parent volunteers. I supplied the orange ink pads, toilet paper tubes, the skeleton bones relay game (I found the pattern on the Family Fun magazine website), wire hangers, string, and jar for estimation. I had the benefit of getting $1 donations from each family and used it to buy string cheese, cream cheese and a bell pepper for the "finger food". The left over money was saved for the next celebration. The black ink pads, crayons, construction paper, glue, and tape were supplies the teacher had in the classroom. I could have had the children use their black and orange markers to color their finger tips to make finger prints as well.
In summary, the children ate 2 kinds of snacks along with a juice bag. They created a Mummy Candy Holder filled with wrapped candies (Hersey Kisses), a fingerprint Halloween scene (mostly pumpkins and bats), one child took home the estimation jar filled with candy corn, and all the children took home a wire hanger with string tied to it - you wrap the string around your fingers (2 pieces of string), stick your fingers in your ears and bonk the hanger next to something hard. It really sounds like haunted bells! They took home 3 things - art projects to be displayed and a science "experiment" (the wire hanger) to share/talk about at home. This party was high spirited, welcome fun before the school wide parade of costumes, and wrapped up within the 60 minute time frame!
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