Saturday, November 26, 2011

Okay Room Moms - it's time to start planning for the winter classroom party! It will be here in about three weeks so gather your troops and hit it here with a suggested letter to classroom parents regarding what the party will look like and what your needs are to be a success for the kiddos. Send it to school Monday for their backpacks.

Thank you for signing up for the class party needs. You are very generous! Here is your friendly Winter Class Party update:
Winter Celebration Friday, December 16@ 12:15 - 1:15 p.m.
Parent Helpers:  ? , ? ,  and ? will take photographs
The plan for the Winter Celebration look like: 2 crafty activities - snowflake frames (Popsicle sticks, snowflakes foam shapes, and ribbon) and pretzel and string cheese snowflakes (edible treat); estimation jar (holiday M&M's); book exchange (kiddos will bring a new or gently used book wrapped to shuffle around the circle during a read aloud); and science "experiment" - lifting an ice cube with a string (cups, water, string, ice cubes, salt). I have also printed off jokes and riddles for the kids to read aloud if activities run fast than I anticipate. The kiddos will eat something sweet (cookies or brownies), something healthy (string cheese and pretzels), and have some juice throughout the party.
Treats and Supplies:
Cookies/ brownies (1 dozen each)                                           ? , ?,  and ?
Stick pretzels (1 large bag)                                                      ? and ?
String cheese                                                                         ?
Holiday M&M's (1 large bag)                                                     ?
Popsicle sticks                                                                       ?
holiday foam shapes                                                               ? and ?
1 bolt 1/2 " wide ribbon                                                          ? and ?
plastic cups                                                                            ?
ice cubes                                                                               ?
string                                                                                     ?
The number of question marks indicates how many people you may need to supply these items. I hope this sparks some ideas for you. Remember simple is best and I assure you success. Come back to find more classroom activity ideas.

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