Friday, November 18, 2011


When the holidays roll in, from Halloween to New Years, we seem to find ourselves faced with FOOD every where we turn. I have hypothyroid and find it harder and harder to keep the weight off so I'd like to share a few of my tips to avoid over-doing-it:
  1. Don't skip breakfast. I have some lean protein and high fiber carbohydrates - no more than 350 calories total.
  2. Have a small morning snack. I usually have my fruit for a morning snack.
  3. Decide what you going to eat. I know who's hosting for the holiday meal and all the "traditional" dishes that will most likely be served; so I know what I really want to eat and what I could choose to skip. I always think about serving size too.
  4. Schedule an after dinner walk. Since I have kids who are constantly on the go, this is easy for me. The neighbors usually have holiday lights and decorations up so a 20 minute causal stroll gives us all a chance to spread out a little.
  5. Skip the alcohol. This is a challenge for me - especially if we go to my in-laws! I will sip club soda with a lime because it looks like a cocktail. Definitely a mind trick.
I hope these help you too.

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